This time of years tends to bring about feelings of warmth and joy.

Unfortunately, it also can bring bouts of sickness and germs.

Most people take precautions to keep themselves healthy during the winter months, but you need to make sure your pet is covered, too.

  1. First thing’s first – hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Keeping your pet hydrated is vital to boost their immune system. Water flushes toxins from the body, as well as aids all of the body’s natural processes. When your pet is hydrated, their body will function at its best. You might consider investing in a pet fountain, which constantly streams filtered water in your pet’s bowl and prevents it from becoming stale and stagnant.
  2. Providing a healthy and balanced diet is key to taking proactive measures toward good health. Quality foods are made from quality ingredients, so although you may have to spend a little bit more, your pet’s overall health will pay off in the long run. If you need a little help in this field, reach out to your friends at Premier Pet Supply for advice on proper diet and nutrition for your pet.
  3. Vitamins are not just for people. Adding a daily vitamin or supplement to your pet’s diet will add tons of important vitamins and minerals to their bodies. Consider, also, a probiotic, which will keep their digestive track in tip-top shape. Healthy digestive track equals healthy immune system.
  4. Don’t skimp out on exercise, even if the cold months are begging you to stay indoors. It’s important that your pet is getting all the daily exercise they need to thrive. Consistent exercise produces cells that fight infection. Laying around all day doesn’t do anyone any good. Exercising with your pet will not only boost their immune system, but yours, too!

As always, don’t hesitate to reach out to your friends at Premier Pet Supply for all your pet-related questions!